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Code of Safety


Guest Code of Safety

For your safety and enjoyment at our Park, please carefully read all of the text below. Failure to follow any of the regulations, conditions and instructions set forth below may result in serious injury to yourself or other individuals. Individuals not following Park rules and safety instructions, will be subject to immediate ejection from the Park without refund.

Safety is always #1 at the Park. Our goal is to accommodate all guests to enable them to fully enjoy our Park.

Park Safety Standards – General Principles. Please understand that people may be excluded or removed from certain rides, attractions, areas of the park, and/or certain activities, in the interests of safety as determined by Park personnel.

This may include, but is not limited to, concerns with sight-disabled people who need adequate eyesight to safely engage in an activity, height and weight restrictions, mobility and/or use and existence of all limbs in a stable and coordinated manner, a clear and alert mind which is unaffected by mental disability or other hindrance, being under the influence of any substances (whether legal or illegal, drugs or medications, alcohol, or any other chemicals and substances), signs of heat illness, any loose headwear or clothing or apparel which may damage property or pose a hazard to a guest or others, and whether or not a person may appear to be ill or injured or otherwise unable to safely participate.

For Your Safety

Pay Attention. Please watch where you are going. Amusement parks are crowded places with many distractions, elevations in surfaces, landscaping, tree roots, rocks, man-made structures, patron possessions left lying around the park or in pathways, etc; this is the open, obvious and inherent nature of an amusement or water park environment. As such, the park disclaims all liability, and shall not be held liable in any manner whatsoever, for any trip, slip, and/or fall you and/or any minor(s) in your care may suffer, Nor for ANY INJURIES CAUSED FROM walking OR STUMBLING into objects or structures, OR FALLING OVER OBJECTS OR STRUCTURES. By entering the park, you automatically agree to this waiver of all such liability.


Slippery Surfaces.Surfaces may be slippery or wet—especially in bathrooms, on and around any water attractions, and in cafes or food areas.


Dress for Safety. No loose/oversized/baggy clothing or accessories which are not thoroughly secured to your person, or any carried items, on any ride or attraction which may pose a hazard. Prohibited items may include, without limitation (depending on the specific ride), any form of headwear, scarves, long belts, fringed materials, high heels, loose footwear, wigs, purses, backpacks, or any dangling fabric. If you choose to wear unstable, loose or ill-fitting shoes to the Park (e.g., high heels, flip-flops, clogs, loose sandals or Crocs or slip-ons, etc.), realize that you are creating a hazard for yourself in a crowded park, and you may not be able to partake in certain attractions. We urge you to wear secure, comfortable footwear.


No Monkeying Around. No climbing on or hanging from, any structures, trees, lamp posts, wiring, door frames, rain gutters, etc. We are an amusement park, not a jungle gym!


Be Seated – Carefully. Benches and chairs are for sitting only—not jumping on or over, nor standing on. If you are obese, or especially large and heavy, proceed with caution when sitting, and check the chair/bench’s stability. Multiple persons should never share the same single-person chair.


No “Sitting on the Fence” … Literally. Fences, railings and banisters should never be leaned on, sat upon, stood upon, twirled on, or jumped/vaulted over. Doing so causes damage to Park property and people may get injured.


Stop! Parking is reserved for Safe Drivers. Parking lots are, by their very nature, hazardous places where you must act cautiously and pay attention at all times for yourself and those in your care (minors, elderly needing assistance, disabled persons, etc.). Please drive slowly and carefully at all times (including into and out of parking spaces, or when entering or exiting the lot), realizing that children may be running about, that elderly or disabled may not hear or see your car, etc. The park shall not be liable for theft, break-ins, car collisions or other property damage, and the park has zero liability for anything occurring on public roads.


Hands Free. Electronic devices, including photographic or recording equipment (e.g., phones of any kind, selfie-sticks, cam-corders or cameras of any kind, flashlights, radios, iPods, etc.), are not permitted on any ride. Phones, cameras and other devices pose a serious safety hazard on rides. Depending on the ride, all such devices must (in the Park’s discretion) either be completely secure on one’s person, or may not be allowed at all (even in your pocket). Electronic devices, and any hand-held object of any kind (lotion, keys, iPhones, etc.), is totally prohibited on water rides.


Know Before You Go! Before getting on a ride, make sure to observe the ride in operation, and how people board and exit. If anything makes you uncomfortable about participating, please do not participate. If you do choose to participate, realize that you are assuming all risks of the ride or attraction in which you are participating.


See all Safety, Hear all Safety, Speak all Safety. READ AND ABIDE BY ALL SAFETY SIGNAGE, ATTENDANT INSTRUCTIONS, AND RECORDED WARNINGS AND INSTRUCTIONS. If you have questions, PLEASE ASK an attendant. If you see something unsafe, PLEASE TELL an attendant.

WARNING! Assess Your Capabilities BEFORE You “Just Do It”

Rides and other attractions at the Park can provide our guests with wonderful memories and exhilarating fun! But amusement and water rides also can be adrenaline-pumping activities which put substantial strain and forces on your body and senses, through rapid acceleration, speed, sudden movements, and the unpredictable motion of a ride, which may thrust your body about in different directions, causing muscular strain and stress on your body such as on your neck and back, and accelerated heart rate and blood pressure.

Do Not Participate in Any Ride, Activity or Attraction, if You Are Under the Influence of Any Alcohol, Drugs (Whether Legal Medication or Illegal Substances) or Other Substances Which May Affect Your Health, Senses, and Body Reflexes and Coordination.

Do Not Participate in Any Ride, Activity or Attraction, if You Have Any Health Conditions or Pre-existing Conditions or Injuries, or if You Are Too Afraid to Participate, Including Without Limitation Heart, Nerve, Muscle, Back, Neck, Bone, Joint, Brain, Eye, Ear, or Other Ailment or Injury, or if You Are Pregnant or Have Had Surgery in the Past Few Months or if You Are Still Recovering From Any Illness or Medical Condition, Treatment or Procedure. Only You Can Determine if You Feel Good Enough to Safely Participate in a Ride or Attraction. The Park Does Not, and Cannot, Guarantee Your Health, and You Fully Assume All Risks of Any Park Ride or Activity in Which You Choose to Participate.

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